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News for 2014

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On Monday a combined grading was held at Apollo Judo Club where players from both Apollo and Newent were tested for their grades.

The following were the results of the grading, well done to all who took part.

Amelia Sterry 2nd MON to 3rd MON
Charlie Sterry 2nd MON to 3rd MON
Noah Nolten 4th MON to 5th MON

Sunday was a special event as Gemma Gibbons and Sam Ingram both Olympic Siver medallists from the London games came and took 2 sessions. They also posed for pictures and answered questions during their time at Barnwood.
During the training there was an opportunity to spar with them and throw them.
See pictures in the Gallery. Anybody who would like an original size picture please email the webmaster (see the link at the bottom of the page).

Saturday saw a large group of us pitting our bowling skills against one another. We had 2 games of Killer, which evened out the field nicely such that a lot of the adults were the first to be out.
We also had a very enjoyable ploughmans lunch.
Thanks to Jenna for organising it.

On Friday a combined grading was held at Newent Judo Club where players from both Apollo and Newent were tested for their grades.

The following were the results of the grading, well done to all who took part.

Patrick Barber Novice to 1st MON
Leah Brace Novice to 1st MON
Amelia Sterry 1st MON to 2nd MON
Charlie Sterry 1st MON to 2nd MON
Jake Mitchell 4th MON to 5th MON
Tarran Hasuk 6th MON to 7th MON
Rebecca Norris Giglio 12th MON to 13th MON
Evan Barber 13th MON to 14th MON

Certificates of participation:
Patrick Barber
Dominic Beech
Emily Beech
Olivia Beech
Josh Cole
Ewan Diggens
Joe Downes
Alicia Holford
Lucas Holford
Philippa Ingram
Jay Scott

Certificates of achievement:
EVAN BARBER : Gained his 13th mon.
IZABELLE BUTLER : Completed Time to Listen and Child protection courses.
MAX BENSON-BUNCH : Gained his 1st and 2nd mon.
TARRAN HASUK : Gained his 5th and 6th mon and took part in Gloucestershire Junior Open.
ELLIOT KING : Gained his 2nd and 3rd mon.
JAKE MITCHELL : Gained his 3rd and 4th mon.
BEN MORRISEY : Gained his 3rd and 4th mon.
BRODIE NICHOLLS : Gained her 16th mon.
CARRIE NICHOLLS : Gained her 18th mon.
NOAH NOLTON : Gained his 3rd and 4th mon.
REBECCA NORRIS-GIGLIO : Gained her 11th and 12th mon and won a Gloucestershire Junior Open Silver.
AMELIA STERRY : Gained her 1st mon.
CHARLIE STERRY : Gained his 1st mon.
CALLUM WOODHAM : Competed at Bradley Stoke (feb) Gold, Yate - New Star Gold, Bradley Stoke (Nov) Gold.

Lucas Holford : First 44/48
Callum Woodham : First 44/48
Alicia Holford : Second 43/48
Rebecca Norris : Third 40/48

Junior Trophies:

Spirit of Judo : Amelia Sterry

Spirit of Judo : Lucas Holford

Senior Trophies:

Spirit of Judo : Izabelle Butler

Spirit of Judo : Chris Giglio

Club Trophies:

Coach player of the year : Rebecca Norris-Giglio

Club player of the year : Callum Woodham

Well done to them all.